Ngl it’s all their fault getting in that situation in the first place, but like, there’s a possibility that they are still alive down there, slowly running out of air. Like maybe the tube fucking imploded and they all became a red mist, but they could also just be at the bottom of the ocean floor with no power.
Also, it’s very hard to think of a time when someone dying in a submarine was not funny. The confederates were the first ones to do it, their k:d with submarines is trash. Ze Germans had more success, but leave it to Ze Germans to hit a landmine in the ocean. After WW2 only the USA and USSR had submarines really, and by then they never really had to surface and were practically invincible and invisible. Of course there was a couple L’s for Amerikkka which I celebrate. And the poor the Soviet Union whose submarine deaths are not a laughing matter and I will literally block you if you make any jokes. Of course everything after 1991 until 2022 is cool to make fun of, they could put a swimming pool in a nuclear sub marine but not escape hatches. And the Americans fucking stole it, that’s an L.
Anyways you’re probably a chud if you’re in a submarine so I don’t feel bad for you.
Let's be real, it was probably Orcas. The mainstream media doesn't want to talk about it, but we are all thinking it. Good for them. Im watching their r/evolution with great interest. Maybe Posadas just got the species wrong.
The neat thing about rich assholes wrecking a submarine on the Titanic means that there's now two things to look at down there, so there's more of a draw for more rich assholes in submarines to check it out, and get wrecked, eventually forming an berg of dead rich assholes in submarines, which can then wreck another luxury cruise liner.
The Titanic was a passenger vehicle and a disproportionate amount of the deaths were the poorer passengers who were migrating to America seeking work
The current wreck will probably be pulled out to salvage the billionaires remains
Think of how crazy the loot that dropped in that submarine has to be, no way they're gonna leave that alone
First, the submarine imploded, then it exploded with a cartoonish volume of golden coins.
Maybe the real cause of the failure was the billionaire holding on to super-compressed collection of gold bullion that became a loot fountain.
They're definitely dead but it would be kind of funny if they somehow weren't, got rescued, and found out how many people have been laughing at them dying in that submarine this whole time.
If it were a children's story they'd go "wow, they're all celebrating my death. This is my chance to become a better person!"
In reality they'd just be even eviler to make up for what they almost lost
One of the people on board was a billionaire, another the CEO of the company in charge of the expedition. Combined with the angry orcas fucking up yachts it's hilarious how many Ls wealthy people are taking from the oceans lately.
i like that rich people are bored enough to go do stupid shit like this and die instead of using their wealth for the benefit of mankind :0)
I would rather they spend the money on helping people than elaborate deathtraps to die in
Okay but if they were going to do that class war wouldn't be necessary. Given that it is, I'm not going to be mad about my enemy owning themselves.
the way of water has no beginning and ends in 96 hours when the oxygen runs out :sicko-orca:
paid their way on board, but were also utilized for sonar and other such things.
mash your face as far as you can into this porthole and echolocate real hard for me wouldya
This right here is a Barotrauma sub where all the crew are clowns.
Wait there's only one single actually trained crewmember on board? Jesus Christ what a bunch of bozos.
oh ok in that case it's his fault the rest of the crew weren't trained
We're all dead on a bougie submarine,
bougie submarine,
bougie submarine.
Another fun fact is that this submarine was controlled by starlink
Musk is truly the tech bro trump but to the nth degree
don't go in caves and don't walk up to the very edge of a cliff
My dream of recreating a Typhoon submarine with an indoors swimming pool :(
I would simply not go for a ride in the death vehicle
I saw a video on YouTube of the CEO showing off the submarine. Apparently you control the thing with a gamepad. I wish I was joking. No wonder it's crashing and burning. Being inspired by
to design your whacky submarine, you shouldn't be surprised when your controller starts suffering from the dreaded analog stick drift.
Given that I want to control a (small, much safer) vehicle with a controller of some sort, what should I go for if not traditional controls? (is a buggy for camping supplies and some heavy towing)
The problem with controllers is that they have a small range of physical input, and don't allow for fine enough control in situations where you need to be able to make both very sharp turns and tiny, several-degree adjustments. You also also don't get the same feedback you'd get with traditional controls. I guess, if none of those things are critical, and you'd be using it in a safe environment, then a controller could still be an option.
You can use modifiers though to reduce movement in per movement out, like devices for microscopic surgery. Basically hold the left trigger on the controller for finer controls, software making up for hardware limitations.
if it not working properly won't kill anyone then potential errors are less critical. A controller being simple and intuitive might well still be the best option in your situation
Always use off-the-shelf hardware when possible. You don't need force feedback if you can just watch the thing from the outside, so if that's your use case I think a controller is fine. Suggest you have a physical, easy-to-hit kill switch located on the buggy in case your controller dies.
Are you suggesting that this submarine crashed because the controller broke? Maybe this will lead to my Nintendo switch joysticks not fucking drifting after two months.
Nah it's just best practice from robotics. Battlebots have them, high school robots have them, a run-amok robot could hurt somebody trying to unplug the battery or whatever to disable it. Don't want to speculate on the sub.
Fun fact: Virginia class attack submarines ($2.8bn per boat) use an XBox controller to control their periscopes
See that's a proper 360 controller, this guy used some madkatz lookin shit. No wonder.
Reminds me of the steam deck being used to control a machine gun turret by the Ukrainian army
Alright who's gonna dig up the @dril tweet about billionaires asphyxiating in a tub underwater that must exist.
literally taking a submarine tour to stare at the remains of all of the proletariat the rich of the past drowned and then drowning themselves
this is basically a nautical version of The Menu lmao
I really hope the single human on board comes out of this okay.
Counterpoint: maybe the aliens hiding in the abyssal depths felt pity and kept them as pets.