• sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
    23 days ago


    I'm not joking, I legitimately hate these people. Absolutely cowardly, anti-intellectual mindset. I can't explain why exactly, but they actually piss me off more than chuds. They are not better on any issue, yet pretend to be because they want to pretend that they are so pragmatic and civil. I'd spit in someone's face who said this shit to me in person.

      • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
        23 days ago

        There is literally no difference in foreign policy between the 2 parties, other than media coverage. This is not hyperbolic.

      • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
        22 days ago

        Not for nothing but I think cumshot_genocide is a satire account

        It doesn't help that it's unclear which direction their sarcasm is pointed but Jesus christ

    • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
      23 days ago

      All due respect to my fellow Americans, but I hope with all my heart that Amerikkka falls as low as Babylon.

        • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
          23 days ago

          There's some good people in the streets, mainly from the black and immigrant community, but I suppose these people are not really considered "American" there...

            • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
              23 days ago

              I'm not judging you. My initial impetus for my comment was to say that I hoped all of Amerikkka would be nuked. Then I remembered my comrades there, including the indigenous people I forgot to mention earlier. We have to give them a fair country...

              And maybe that means killing most of the white population there.

              • radiofreeval [she/her]
                22 days ago

                Most of the white population in America is working class and not assigned racist at birth, but Rather made racist through propaganda. The issue with America is not that the cumskins have a racism gene, but that they are racist because the material conditions of America demands racism to keep quality of life up for those people. However, most of them are working class and do have revolutionary potential in that regard and have historically had revolutionary potential. I think xi-plz is not an effective way of ending American imperialism and the boot of capitalism.

                • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
                  21 days ago

                  I'm sorry sis; but this is the one place I disagree with you. I don't disagree with the "not assigned racist at birth"; but where I disagree is that I don't think those maladaptive teachings ever will 'come out in the wash'. Not without every single person who COULD pass on racist teachings to potential offspring going child-free or otherwise dying before they could conceive; and cutting it off at a generational level.

                  For every out, loud, and proud bigot in Amerikan society, there's two dozen of the vermin under the nearest rotting log. I see it as the older brother to the incel movement; you can ban an incel off every mainstream social media platform on the planet, completely silence him, and he'll still find somewhere to stew with those of like mind. It'd take a catastrophe of size that has never been seen in this country, and a coming together that couldn't be imagined for me to believe that there'd ever be revolutionary potential in a white Amerikan.

                  • radiofreeval [she/her]
                    21 days ago

                    Deadicalization when in comes to racist beliefs does exist however it is slow and faulty at best. A mass reeducation is required and you'd need to judge the efficacy of the program while doing it and tweak it as needed when it comes to white Americans. Historically, I'd argue that there has been revolutionary potential in white Americans such as John Brown, Eugene V Debs, United Mine Workers and arguably the Young Patriots Organization. While parts of these organizations and people gave problematic aspects, there has been revolution potential in them. While the present material conditions demand racism and prevent mass revolutionary conscience for America as a whole, a change in material conditions could lead to white Americans becoming a revolutionary group as capitalism does not benefit them as much as socialism would.

                    I agree with you that most white Americans do not have revolutionary potential now; I disagree with you in that they could with a change in material conditions and that a minority do at present time.

              • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
                22 days ago

                Can't include the people that Amerikkka already purposely excluded, so they weren't targeted by your comment? Idk how to phrase it better rn.

                  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
                    22 days ago

                    Anyone who isn't white, cis, and heteronormative is excluded to some extent by American society. If they aren't treated as "true" Americans, then you saying you want to nuke Americans would already exclude nuking those that Americans themselves chose to exclude.

                    I just meant you didn't need to explicitly say you wouldn't also nuke comrades.

              • kiljoy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                22 days ago

                That actual racism out on display lmao. Replace white with black, indigenous, Jewish and you’d be banned in a second. You people are fucking deranged.

                • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
                  22 days ago

                  "That actual racism out on display [...] Replace white with black, indigenous, Jewish and you’d be banned in a second"

                  Reverse racist rhetoric? Where have I ever seen that? Oh, in white supremacists.

                  Do you know why I would be banned if I exchanged white for absolutely any other ethnicity? Because, historically, it was the white elite that went out to exploit the rest of the world and created racism as a "scientific" justification for doing so. So, for any eventual "oppression" (OMG, the Call Me Mañana on lemmy.ml said that for my country to be fair the majority of the white population would need to die, I'm so scared) against white people be considered racism, you would have to rewrite history (and that's what white supremacists do, by the way).

                • Egon [they/them]
                  22 days ago

                  And what if they'd written out the entirety of Mein Kampf instead of what they'd written? Wow that really says something! Makes you think.

                • radiofreeval [she/her]
                  22 days ago

                  You don't like pasta? Now replace pasta with Jews. That's pretty antisemitic of you.

                  • kiljoy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                    22 days ago

                    I'm not judging you. My initial impetus for my comment was to say that I hoped all of Amerikkka would be nuked. Then I remembered my comrades there, including the indigenous people I forgot to mention earlier. We have to give them a fair country...

                    And maybe that means killing most of the black*** population there.

                    *** I replaced white with black to hopefully have these people see how deranged they sound.

                    • radiofreeval [she/her]
                      22 days ago

                      Replacing words in a way that fundamentally changes an argument fundamentally changes an argument, that is correct.

                      • kiljoy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                        22 days ago

                        How is that changing the argument? They are saying they want it murder a race of people, that’s fucked and they should be called out on it.

                        • radiofreeval [she/her]
                          21 days ago

                          Just stop with the 'reverse racism' nonsense if you don't want to be called a white supremacist.

                            • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
                              21 days ago

                              Can't be supremacy if we were never once on top. Best case scenario is a "two-state solution", as it were. If you think the Black desire for self-determination and a state away from cracker base, systems, and superstructure is "supremacy", you've got a handful of ignorant microaggressions that it's on you to check.

                              Address the plank in thine own eye before attending to the splinter in thy neighbor's, peckerwood.


                • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                  22 days ago

                  Simply don't be part of the most then? There's nothing stopping you from just choosing to be cool right now

                • xkyfal18@lemmygrad.ml
                  21 days ago

                  Ignoring all historical context and making this bullshit claim is easy. Replace "X" with "Y" is NOT a valid argument.

        • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
          23 days ago

          Disco Elysium is so good that I even liked the "ultra-liberal" character. Only the fascists (minus René and Measurehead) and the Coalition guys are really impossible to like. But that's because they were so well written.

      • REEEEvolution@lemmygrad.ml
        22 days ago

        Babylon stayed an important center of economy, culture and administration for centuries after its empire was gone. I only wish complete obliteration to the USA. May it split up and never reunite.

    • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
      23 days ago

      This is amazing. The mental gymnastics necessary is mind boggling.

      Let's say Trump and Biden are equally terrible for Palestinians but Trump rolls out a plan to pull out of Ukraine. Using the logic above, shouldn't all Dems vote for Trump since he's quantifiably less terrible?

      LOL. What fucking losers. It takes no effort to realize all sides are bad and we're all fucked. Just own it. You can even still be a shitlib like my mom. Just realize it's 100% bullshit.

      • DengistDonnieDarko [none/use name]
        23 days ago

        You misunderstand where their heart is on Ukraine. They don't want Ukrainians to live, they want Russians to die. Their problem with trump pulling out of Ukraine isn't "more dead Ukrainians", it's "less dead Russians". This is why when you suggest Ukraine should take a peace deal to stop the war as soon as possible, you get the whinging and handwringing.

        • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
          23 days ago

          Oh. I know their takes on Putin. But fewer dead people is fewer dead people. It's their logic, not mine.

          • Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml
            21 days ago

            Nope, it is our logic and not theirs. We want fewer dead people. Going by what liberals say about russia, they want more dead people. We only shit on Biden because he is not actually the lesser evil. Communists have made united fronts with many actual lesser evils before. Hell, even our critical support of many countries qualifies as lesser evilism. What makes us different from the liberals is that our perspective is significantly broader. We do not consider the genocides to be a lesser evil in any capacity.

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          21 days ago

          They don't want Ukrainians to live

          Still remember reading incredibly ghoulish takes saying "This war is good because we're severely damaging Russia at no cost in American lives." Just outright admitting that they consider Ukrainians expendable.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    23 days ago

    They're literally just doing mental gymnastics to try to figure out how they can be actively supporting a genocide and still be the good guys. And the playboys getting pretty stale.

    "Fuck Biden, he's literally actively carrying out a genocide."

    "Yea well trump would bebworse, trust me."

    "Fuck Biden, deportations have gone up under him since Trump and he's trying to eliminate the asylum program."

    "Yea but Trump would be worse, trust me."

    "Fuxk Biden, were drilling more oil than anybody at any point in history"

    "Yea well Trump would be way worse"

    This coming from the same people who have been wrong about fucking every important decision for the last 30 years, and also managed to lose elections to Bush and Trump.

    • Wertheimer [any]
      23 days ago

      I have been having this conversation all month (year, decade, century) and I am losing my goddamned mind.

      • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
        23 days ago

        These people are our enemy. There will always be reactionary forces, these types take up space where anti-reactionary forces should be. They are a bigger obstacle to change than chuds and should be treated as such.

        • Wertheimer [any]
          23 days ago

          Yes. They are more angry at people for whom genocide is a dealbreaker than they are at the people committing the genocide.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      23 days ago

      Damn I forgot that Biden is being held hostage and forced to circumvent congress to run guns to Israel, and forced to sign that border lockdown bill, and forced to give all those companies oil

      Poor powerless little president

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
    23 days ago

    They are. I switched to lemmy.ml in order to argue with these nerds, and its given me a bit of pleasant nostalgia for the days of getting radicalized on /r/cth and making that every other subreddit I was subscribed to's problem.

  • Rom [he/him]
    23 days ago

    Blow up the train you spineless cowards

    It’s close enough to the tracks that it would hurt the hostages, and the wreckage would probably have enough momentum to hit them anyway.

    This is a good analogy actually. Blowing up the train would feel good, but that isn’t going to stop the momentum, and it’s unfortunately virtually impossible to outright stop it’s momentum at this point. All that blowing up the train would accomplish is sending fiery wreckage towards the middle track.

    This is why accelerationism is stupid.

    Dot world delenda est

    • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
      23 days ago

      Blowing up the Genocide Machine is bad actually because of this scenario I imagined

      I agree it has to go but we need to keep feeding souls into it and shut it down slowly (they will never shut it down and will forget this conversation happened as soon as it's time to go to brunch)

    • sub_ubi@lemmy.ml
      23 days ago

      I'd honestly like to know. Looking through their post histories, most of them aren't FOSS geeks and are only active in politics threads.

      I hate to say shit like this, but it seems like the reddit astroturf campaigns have come to lemmy

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        22 days ago

        It costs the feds nothing to make an account there and post the exact same stuff they do to reddit. .world is probably completely astroturfed. Wouldn't surprise me if their attempts to defed leftist instances is pushed heavily by the feds too.

        • Deinonychus [they/them, comrade/them]
          22 days ago

          Lemmy is far too small for the feds to bother putting effort into destabilising it. It's far more likely that .world is just a bunch of crybabys that dont like it when they're not allowed to be xenophobic

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      23 days ago

      There were many of them last year who were like "I was a reddit-logo power poster who had N amount of karma, and now I've left it! So long, spez!" so I think some of them left simply because they hedged their bets that they'd be settlers in a land untouched by hecking updooted content.

      I also think many of them went back after it became obvious R*ddit wasn't going anywhere and the "important" moderators were in fact easily replaceable. When I predicted this at .world many of the libs there were unhappy, but by now I think I've been proven right.

      • CyberSyndicalist [none/use name]
        22 days ago

        I think you have perfectly described the lemmy.world user. They all process a vague anger about reddit but have no specific critique of it. They don't dislike anything the structure or the culture of reddit, they dislike that they themselves aren't one of the powerusers. They have no interest in building a different vision of the internet or becoming part of a vibrant community, they just want their chance to become a recognizable user while it's easier to make a name for yourself.

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      23 days ago

      Hive mind migration over 3rd party app API drama happened, proving of course that none of them even have an original thought.

      • EstraDoll [she/her]
        23 days ago

        didn't they update it like 6-7 years ago now? i forget, when I do unfortunately browse r*ddit, I still use the old layout

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
          23 days ago

          eh they forced the app on mobile users and have made the browser more and more cancerous to use. Most of the exodus was when they banned 3rd party apps and then simultaneously started making the mobile browser experience unusable

        • goferking0@lemmy.sdf.org
          22 days ago

          They abandoned new for a newer and worse version of new. Although only learned that when they announced they were killing new.r

          Still have no idea what they changed cause only use old

          • EstraDoll [she/her]
            22 days ago

            how did they make a worse version of new reddit? that's like making shit smell worse

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      22 days ago

      Something about reddit being less accessible through phone apps and then the stampede heppened. So in other words herd reaction caused by slight inconvenience at getting the treats, just liberal thing.

  • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    22 days ago

    In this house we believe

    In letting inflation disproportionately fuck minorities and the poor

    Respecting the letter of law is more important than women's rights

    In shutting down the border until we figure this thing out

    Drilling for oil is good

    Trans athletes aren't people

    Committing less genocide than the other guy (while still committing genocide) is a selling point

  • radiofreeval [she/her]
    23 days ago

    "at this point"

    It always was. It was an alternative to Reddit caused by Reddit's downfall that offered no alternative to the ideological conditions of Reddit in the first place. These were people so addicted to Reddit they needed custom apps to fathom using it.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    23 days ago

    Let's say for a second this reality were true. What they're saying is they're still ok with the Palestinian genocide. They really think this is a good look.

    • radiofreeval [she/her]
      23 days ago

      If Democrats are willing to trade Palestinian lives for queer ones, how are you sure they won't start trading queer lives for Black ones or put some other group on the list of who they are defending. Look at how liberal retoric on Muslims was in 2020 and how they have Muslim lives up. How can a member of any group on this list have any confidence that they won't be next in the chopping block?

  • sewer_rat_420 [he/him, any]
    23 days ago

    Right because Biden is doing so much to help Mexico and Ukraine and the lgbtq community

    Lol the BLM flag in there to. Libs are so delusional

  • Dr_Gabriel_Aby [none/use name]
    23 days ago

    If people like William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown voted Whig party every single election and attempted to nudge them left we would still have fucking slavery.

    The Whig parties death in the 1850s is what allowed the more radical Republican Party to rise. No one looks back on the years of Whig party rule and says, “wow but at least the slavery was ran more politely.”

  • SovietyWoomy [any]
    23 days ago

    It's delusional to think that a political party that uniamously supports genocide abroad wouldn't also uniamously support genocide at home

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    23 days ago

    Actually it became Reddit 2 when I stopped using it 10 months ago.

    I was the only thing holding back total Redditeurization. 😔

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    23 days ago
    !!Warning!! Extreme cringe

    "I hope this post gets a lot of tankie comments. They’ll be flockin’ to a blockin’

    Heh. See, cause. It rhymes. So.

    The one yesterday had that commenter who was all “what’s this? Oh it took me a second cause I blocked all the tankies” and that’s when I realized I forgot to block lemmy.ml. Now that that’s done, it’s just onsie-twosies. It’s a bright, bright sunshiney day."

    Adults in the room, everyone.