These people about to grillpill themselves unto wikipedia's "Apocalyptic groups" Category page
I don't get that reverent tone they extend towards matt at all, honestly. Like, ya, some of his rants are fascinating to listen to - deciphering borderline incoherent ramblings often are, in that game of code-breaking sorta way. Not exactly breaking new ground though, is he. More like grandiose oversimplifications born from his individual experiences. Which is valid, but to form a little cult clubhouse around it..? I mean, let your parasocial freak-flag fly, but it seems like a waste of time
Yeah. He’s very talented with analogies and has a very good knowledge of American History, Cinema, and Prestige TV. But imagine making a serious life decision based on one of his rants. I originally subbed over there after the CTH ban, but all the posts are either “l used to be constantly online, upvote me because I’m not.” Or Talmudic-level meta-analyses of Matt’s free associating livestreams.
I've never listened to him, do you have a few examples of his analogies?
The few times I’ve tried watching his streams I feel like all I heard was the Chuck Schumer quote about “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania...” being filtered through post-modernist waffling and then presented as a new theory of American politics. That and some inscrutable stuff about finding the meaning to life after taking acid.
I haven’t listened to the pod in a long time, but his streams felt to me almost at odds with Matt’s presence there, where he can be genuinely novel, insightful and interesting.
I think Matt probably aligns closest with ML, maybe Trot as others have pointed out even though I'm sure Matt would deny it. I don't think Matt really embraces Maoism or Anarchism.
I'm not saying we're never cultist here but.....
What exactly are we a cult for? Kinda important part of being a cult is having something to cult over
do... do we need to be about anything? I just got my obsidian dagger guys. cmon.
anally? orally? aurally?
look just be better so I can use this stupid beautiful volcanic glass dagger.
look, i heard we were a cult so i got an obsidian dagger for human sacrifice. we've established we can't be a cult to nothing, so if it's gotta be to you. be better. and also I need a proper altar, can we collaborate on this?
cmon. im sick of sacrificing coconuts. the dagger keeps chipping. vegan death cults suck.
they are. so be fucking better. the only other death cult I have is vegan, and we don't sacrifice LITERALLY ANYTHING that doesn't chip this beautiful obsidian dagger.
i need a land lord or something on my card table (I know. I KNOW!). which border on vegan, but the other cult im in says no.
By contrast, r/AcidMarxism makes me feel like my level of appreciation for :large-adult-son: is at a normal and healthy amount.
I can't imagine taking Matt's vlogs that seriously, and I'm the guy who posts all of them here.
Idk what an acid marxism is but the unironic grillpill shit in general is such a privileged position honestly it fucking kills me.
Like everyone's conditions are worsening but because you live in the imperial core and have access to steam you're just gonna sit this one out. Cool dude.
from what I've gathered Matt uses grillpill to refer to a process:
Step 1: Log off
Step 2: Develop hobbies besides online leftism (like grilling)
Step 3: Meet people irl and do praxis with them
You know what Trotsky believed? That but the solution is to do nothing.
Haven't had a chance to look at the sub since it's locked but I really don't get the cultlike fervor around the cushvlogs. I've said it before but grillpill or whatever is just "turn on, tune in, drop out". Who fucking cares. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned brooklyn podcast hosts pulling down that kind of $ and not putting any of it into organizing or community work can all rot in hell
I don't get why no one has pointed out that Matt's "Grillpill breakthrough" is literally just Trostkyism. He's become a trot. That's it.
Have people just not actually read any theory?
Matt basically thinks that the left Should pursue revolution as their primary and only goal and that is the only way to achieve anything because the system is fuckednand compromise is meaningless. It's a nihilistic take on Trotsky's permanent revolution.
However Matt's major "addition" to this is that revolution is impossible because the people are so alienated by the system they aren't going to revolt and because you should accept no compromise because everything has failed so far the ultimate solution is to embrace nihilism and do nothing.
That's what he was preaching in the early days of lockdown anyway. There are other Trotsky elements too but that's the main thrust. It's nihilistic Trotskyism.
do nothing
He was pretty explicitly not saying this but OK. What I took away from it was to focus on local action that seems meaningful to you.
OK in that case it's virtually identical to British Trotskyism and I have even less time for it.
not putting any of it into organizing or community work
Lol we're just gonna keep repeating this bullshit, huh? The subreddit is back, baby! 😎
grillpill or whatever is just “turn on, tune in, drop out”.
no it isn't
Always looking to the fuckin podcaster who is active on Twitter and posts hour long videos every day to explain how to log off and transcend. It's just a grift
op is totally not mad about people who are totally not mad about us
i'm actually desperate for a good direct action. almost delayed an arms truck the other day but i didn't have transportation.
i also wanna pull a political prank or stunt-type action
Try to join a local communist org. Join the DSA (yuck) if you need to. Hookup with some folks. Don't do shit on your own.
i’m not a yank
I deeply apologize for insulting you like this. I jumped to that because Matt's stuff is almost exclusively yank-centric. Again. I'm really sorry.
no problem my dude, i get it.
also, saying "i'm not a yank" doesn't actually get me out of anything because canadians are just yanks with a pop filter. what it really just means is that i don't have a dsa or really any good equivalent nearby. i'd rely on the loose networks of activists i already know personally :anarchy:
oh you're a canuck? I take everything back
If there's no existing org one can join, I'd also strongly consider involvement in unionization organizing or tenant organizing. There always something like that around and can do real lasting good and is a good gateway to set up something more communist-y.
yeah i'm already involved in some of that kind of stuff, to the extent that' it's possible. i'm no longer actively with the project, but i initiated a group that helped put together a semi-permanent housing solution on the generosity of someone in the community. food not bombs is a beautiful little project when i have the time
the biggest problem is that covid has really slaughtered our ability to organize in the region. one of the crucial points i should have mentioned when i brought up my desire to do a direct action, and i think sometimes we forget this, is that actually getting out there and using your body to directly further a cause can feel really really exhilarating and refreshing. actions can instantly pull crowds of people into a "movement" in a broad sense if you pull them off correctly and make a big enough splash. organizations have a tendency to institutionalize or die off though, and even if they remain radical they usually can't take the risks involved in a lot of street actions. the relationship between these street activists and unions has a very interesting history and there are some bright moments to learn from.
as much as i'm itching for some kind of legitimate communist party (the existing ones are pretty much student clubs and extremely cringe), i'm also itching to see what we can do on the ground right now, and especially once the weather warms up
The :grill: is about doing stuff in the real world and having a distance from online shit. Most of the audience is just dense and I assume American.
For the Trump camp you have the fascist pedos, and then you have the quiet pedos who pretend to be mad at other pedos, it's a fascinating culture filled with obscure rituals and cultural taboos
He's the best of the chapos theory-wise, but if you're going to parasocially attach to a podcast host on that ground at least go for Breht O'shea. r/revleftradio could use the traffic even if you're sacrificing goats to him.
what is it with acid and being a bourgeois privilege for hippie utopian pseudoscientists
I'd rather visit /r/2cbAnarchism
Blasphemy! The only drug an apostle of the grill is permitted is good old Florida snow
As per the example set by the Great Prophet himself
I find that Matt's vlogs are great for this reason: It's easy to bounce ideas off of his. Somehow his thinking is completely sideways to my own, and its interesting to listen to him in good faith and find points where I agree and disagree, and think about maybe why that is. I think he does a good job of highlighting that he's just a dude throwing ideas into the world, and to not take him too seriously.