Like he'll yeah fuck the rich
I mourn the days of the old sub tho, 150k+ and growing. Was an amazing thing to be a part of.
It’s okay. The scary ML posters are being patient and nice again :logo:
All aboard!
I'm sorry for putting all the demsocs in the posting gulag its my bad guys won't happen again
Sir, I'm gonna need you to step in the T-34 or I'm going to have to bonk you with this club
I can no longer imagine a realistic scenario where the bourgeoisie peacefully surrender and the dictatorship of the proletariat isn't a necessity, their sociopathic nature highly exacerbated by their material conditions make it impossible. Although, I think I heard Marx said that ideological commitment might be shifted through a thorough clubbing, I guess it can't hurt to try.
I love his term "cosmopolitan socialist".
I really loved the way he was able to synthesise everything globally and hystoricly and add a sort of actionable positivity to it. Fuck I miss that.
We'll get there. Went from 4k to 8k in a month. Keep yalls posting game up
At that rate it'll be less than 20 months before the entire world is ChapoChat posters
How much of that is from more people joining?
And how much of that is from the same people making more alts?i dunno i've made over 60 by now and this is the first one i found nice
I wouldn’t be surprised if it tugged some people further left.
Raises hand
Found that place back in 2018 while I was a shitlib and started lurking the place because mostly everything I read made way more sense than the standard liberal "Oh well we just need to get GOOD billionaires into being." carbage that r/politics spews. Then I did some soul searching going from shitlib to ancom and then to ML over the course of like 6 months.
edit: Oh I also realised why I havent been comfortable in my own body since I was 9 thanks to the fucking place too, so there's that.
CTH was actually doing good
really rustle reactionary jimmies
sounds like idealistic liberalism
If it ain't class consciousness with consideration for intersectionality then I don't fucking want it!
The true end of history is a society without class. No one will have any money and everyone will have what they need. I don't even want to see anything bad happen to the rich. I just want people to realize money is worthless.
What? No, I’m not because I understand human nature. You communists think the government should do everything for you just because you’re too lazy to do it yourself but you didn’t think about how a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away all your freedoms and communism ALWAYS results in at least half of everybody starving to death whenever it’s tried, sure it sounds good in theory but name one Venezuela where it ever worked.
ha ha yeah dude, feels great, i feel so good right now :)))
Why though? Like not even a demsoc?
Edit: go easy on him guys
The idea of a revolutionary vanguard sounds like a bad, bad idea.
Look at what the Bolsheviks did to the Mensheviks.
The USSR failed because it did not tolerate any political pluralism, and lept from crisis to crisis based on the whims of personality cults.
I guess if you like personality cults...
The USSR failed because it did not tolerate any political pluralism
Well, it is true.
Doctrinaire politics reigned from on high in the USSR which forbade even alternative ideologies of communism.
A really great book that goes into this is Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti btw. Breaks down a lot of things that simply didn’t work in the USSR. Definitely check it out
Side question — what sort of world would you like? Not presupposing anything, or leading a question. Actually asking—what kind of structure do you think is best based on what you think humans deserve/could do?
We won't have any realistic solutions to international issues like climate change, wage/chattel slavery, and the protection of basic human rights until an international institution has the power to affect those changes.
So the question is: How does humanity enact an international representative government?
I wish I knew the answer to that.
The USSR failed because the US State department lead by Hillary Fucking Clinton succesfully couped them.
If anything a more authoritarian power structure and less "political pluralism" could have seen it still going strong to this day and I say this as someone who is generally critical of vanguardism and socialist personality cults. The failure of the August Coup and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Much better examples of the dangers of power concentration and vaguardism are the Sino-Soviet split, which was at least in part driven by Mao and Kruschev's personal dislike of each other, and the terror tactics the Bolsheviks used in the late 1910s to establish dictatorships of the proletariat (from which they excluded peasants) in overwhelmingly peasant dominated areas.
That being said, while there are valid criticisms to be made of the Bolshevik revolution and USSR policies, they were better for the world and the people of Russia than what came before them, what came after them, and 90% of other nation states that existed at the same time as them. While you can point to some things they maybe could have done better, it's hard to argue that they shouldn't have overthrown the Russian Empire, that they should have imitated the rapacious capitalist imperialist looting of the rest of the world the EU & USA wholeheartedly engaged in, or that it was a good thing the USSR capitulated into the neoliberal shock therapied protofash mafia disaster of a state that is modern Russia.
Look at what the Bolsheviks did to the Mensheviks.
That isn’t inherent in being a communist, and especially not in being a democratic socialist.
lol how are you gonna be a socdem who's against vanguards when one of the core concepts of social democracy is REPRESENTATIVE parties?
Bruh you can't take a principled stance against vanguardism when your ideology is literally the capitalist liberal version of vanguardism, you got to at least be an anarchist to play that game
You don't know what a vanguard is then, ignorance while understandable in this context, is still not something to be proud of, you should take the time to learn instead of reflexively rejecting something because the capitalist zeitgeist tells you to
Vanguard parties exclude all non-socialists.
They are anti-democratic abortions.
Vanguard parties exclude only the supporters of capitalism just like Social democracy by definition excludes socialists and non-capitalists, again you can't have any convincing principled stance against the representative democracy of the working class when you literally stan for the representative democracy of capitalists
All your doing is revealing your class loyalty
I always go back and forth on whether anarchists count as "communists".
I'm guessing all ancoms would say yes, some syndicalists would say yes, all post-left would say no, and adjective-less anarchists would be a complex mix of yes and no.
EDIT: bad wording. When I said count I meant to say "call themselves".
Idk man I think anarchists are allies I have to say that to not get banned again