Permanently Deleted

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      She use to call people a F*****t and other very abusive and hurtful things and its hard for me to look past as she gets embraced by a lot of the online left. She also targeted very vulnerable and marginalized people. I know people can change, but this shit went on for years.

      I have a hard time forgiving or accepting someone who knew and intentionally intended to hurt these people. There are so many problematic youtube or streamers that are like that. And are now very popular and it just makes me wonder why the online left so easily forgives reactionaries like this. Idk maybe I'm overreacting, it just sucks how people like her get hugely popular when there are so many other good leftists in that sphere.

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        just makes me wonder why the online left so easily forgives reactionaries like this

        Honestly I just wonder why the left gives a shit about streamers and professional Twitter users in any capacity at all. It's pretty embarrassing.

  • Caocao [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Haram or not I will stan Shaun till I die

    • livingperson2 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I literally watched a 2.5 hour video of him talking about nuking Japan. It took me a couple days, but I have never dedicated more than an hour to a single youtube video (except for a Renegade Cut video about evangelical theology, which is a subject I'm weirdly fascinated by). So, yeah, seal of approval from me.

      • Caocao [he/him]
        4 years ago

        thats what you get for not boycotting disney

  • garbology [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This doesn't even really make sense as an alignment chart except I'll grant that hbomb is chaotic good.

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That Ben Shapiro video is still one of the best things on that entire site.

      • garbology [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Shaun was recently "complaining" that rightwingers have kind of fallen off of youtube lately, so takedowns feel outdated to him. Not sure how true that is, since Crowder is still out there making gross dross.

  • Torenico [he/him]
    4 years ago

    ContraPoints: Why wont the left create coalitions?!

    Also ContraPoints: I will proceed to shit on the leftists that don't want to vote for the senile rapist of Joe Biden

    She displayed ZERO knowledge on how the Left works during the elections. ZERO. But go on Miss, shit on the people that don't want to vote for Biden for I don't know.. PRETTY VALID REASONS?

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'm working through Revolution and Counter-revolution in Spain with my reading group. Almost every time I heard the "vote for Biden to stop fascism" argument this past year I thought back to when I first read about the disastrous popular front policy in 1930s Spain. Because supporting Biden or any neoliberal Dem on an anti-fascist pretext is ultimately just a sort of popular frontism with American characteristics, an especially perverse and obscene variation of the usual harm-reduction argument for critically supporting even the very worst Democrats. All Dems have to do now is credibly convince people that their Republican opponent is a potential fascist and the popular-frontists will fall in line to encourage the usual lesser-evilism.

      The absurdity of "anarcho-Bidenism", at least for any naive zoomer anarchist or baby leftist who failed to recognize he who shall not be named to avoid getting bonked with the clown mallet as an opportunist grifter, seems like an even more farcical version of the absurdity of CNT syndicalists falling in line behind the liberal bourgie Republican governments in Madrid and Catalonia, the latter of which labeled workers fascists if they refused to disarm themselves and dissolve their militias an workers' committees mere weeks after these foundations of dual power had been laid.

      • TossedAccount [he/him]
        4 years ago

        On another note, I'm thinking back to that one young person who went viral passionately making the argument for voting Biden and for waiting to deal with the neoliberals until LATER (unfortunately I can't find the original video but full audio is at the start of the TrueAnon episode linked), possibly young enough not to remember that the Dems pulled a similar trick 8 years ago to get Obama re-elected. I know for a fact there are young zoomer progressives like that who honestly don't know better because they haven't seen this movie before, who listened to and repeated similar condescending arguments from liberals and even so-called socialists who should be old enough to know better.

        I know this because I was one of those people around a decade ago, even after the short-lived Occupy movement brought the "99% vs. 1%" concept into the popular lexicon and helped to revive US class consciousness. Every zoomer who's radicalized and started drawing revolutionary conclusions so quickly with less life experience deserves a pat on the back because it took me until I was in my mid-20s, about 2 election cycles since I was old enough to vote, to learn this lesson.

      • RawToast [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Chomsky claims in On Anarchism that the communists (backed by the USSR) gained control of the Republican government and forced the syndicalists to disarm and dismantle workers' committees, under the pretext (whether or not they believed it - Chomsky doesn't go into much detail about the pro-communist perspective) that it was necessary to placate England, France, and the US, who were vehemently against the revolution, in order to construct an anti-fascist alliance. Is this accurate?

        • TossedAccount [he/him]
          4 years ago

          The Communist Party, POUM, CNT and other parties joined the liberal-led coalition that forced the workers to disarm themselves and dissolve their committees. The 3rd International's justification was the same geopolitical one you mention from the Chomsky source, and it's difficult not to consider that a complete betrayal of the fledgling Spanish revolution on the part of Stalin and his co-thinkers. They might have beaten fascism in Germany and eastern Europe later, but they failed in Spain.

          POUM, meanwhile, was the result a weird merger between the left-opposition to Stalin's camp (including former proto-Trots) and right-opposition, including elements responsible for the disastrous opportunist Kuomintang entryist approach in China in the 1920s, but POUM's left-opposition elements were the ones closest to having a correct position, one where they could say "this is bullshit, under no pretext", then immediately leave the popular front coalition in August/September 1936 and continue building and supporting dual power while it was in danger of being destroyed the same way the Bolsheviks did in 1917 between February and October. Instead POUM, CNT, and the succdems followed the same path the capital-C Communists did and stayed in the popular front, allowing the libs to abort the embryonic workers' state and restore the bourgeois state only to later lose the war to Franco.

          • RawToast [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            So some anarchists - specifically the CNT - were also (at least partly) responsible for disarming and dismantling committees?

            • TossedAccount [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Correct. Some of the the syndies, including official CNT leadership, joined the popular front and were ironically seduced by liberal anti-fascist arguments, partly because they chose not to distinguish between a workers' state and the capitalist state. (Hence my earlier comparison to the even greater farce of "anarcho-Bidenism".) Like POUM, the capital-C Communists, and the succdems, the CNT fell in line behind the decrees to disarm the workers and dismantle the workers' committees without any pushback.

      • EldritchMayo [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        To be fair if you grew up with dnd this would at least kinda make sense, so that aspect doesn’t need terminal online brain to understand. Only the specific people, of which I recognize maybe half? Shaun, idk, Hbomber, idk, idk, shoeonhead, contra, vaush? Destiny?,idk

  • roseateOculi [she/her,none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Say what you will about his presentation and drama or whatever, but Philosophy Tube has single handedly helped me radicalize at least three or four people, and was one of the big reasons that I radicalized, personally. He's perfect for people who are firmly in the "John Oliver" phase of liberalism who are aware capitalism is a fuck but dont understand anything about actual leftism (aka, not being a liberal). He presents things as philosophical and is very gentle with his broaching of ideas, serving a lot of content in a palatable way. Say what you want about other breadtubers, but Ollie is ay-okay by me.

  • HalfeMoon [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    Broke: this is bad because it's a whole bunch of parasocial breadtube cringe.

    Woke: this is good because Skull and HBomberGuy are good and Contra, V*ush, and Ash are evil.

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I admit, HBomberGuy as chaotic good made me laugh. The picture is just chef's kiss.

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        4 years ago

        Contra kinda always has been a lib. She's kinda like the youtube gateway drug to leftism, I remember watching her stuff 3 years ago and having my mind blown and now a few months ago I rewatched some of those videos and realize that it's some really basic stuff, if you will.

        And she's had some really lib takes about voting for Biden, that's (among others) a big reason people here don't like her.

        In my opinion the good she does for the online left still well outweighs her bad takes so it would take quite a bit for me to dislike her, but I can see why many people are disappointed and frustrated with her.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Shaun, Philosophy Tube and Hbomb are OK Serfs are fine too.

    Contra annoys the fuck out of me though. She's a lib that tut-tuts people about things she doesn't fully understand. Very much an 'optics' kind of person.

    • mars [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Glad I'm not the only one lol. I remember someone tried to explain to me that she's actually a Marxist one time. What a world.

      • domhnall [he/him]
        4 years ago

        She’s just read Marx. If she’s a Marxist, so is anyone with a humanities undergraduate degree.

        • mars [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Lol i agree. I'm haunted by the bizarro-world takes of my "progressive" friends.

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    4 years ago

    Knowing who more than 3 of these are is a type of liberalism