Thoughts and prayers for the ancient plumbing in the White House 🙏
I had a dream last night where Donald Trump would refuse to concede, but fail to stay in power and then would go on to start a podcast with a set modeled after the oval office. It was named 'The President Trumpcast'. And he would keep acting like he was the literal president and his guests would too.
Give him a sword and the Key to the City of San Francisco.
That doesn't feel like a dream that just feels like the most probable outcome
I dunno. I'd imagine a solid one would be harder to uncover and last longer.
Just picturing Trump, feet planted on the closed toilet lid squeezing out a turd the rough size and shape of a small cannonball, consistency and colour of foul smelling gray playdough streaked with blood into the cistern. Then waiting for his vision to return, popping a beta blocker and moving on to the next one.
Just going on and on till January.
OK, besides the obvious, there is something else that strikes me as interesting here, mostly becasue of personal experience. Namely, it seems that for people with certain upbringing/class/etc. the smell of food in the house is seen as disgusting. Doesn't matter if its the stench of fast food, or if its the smell from whatever gourmet meal you cooked, anything beyond a mild aroma is almost offensive ...
Yeah I've noticed that. Seems a bit weird but I think it's people who grew up in big enough houses that the smell of cooking didn't spread out through the entire place.
My uptight whitebread roommate gets offended if I cook anything with garlic, onions, chilis, etc. I've got to open all the windows and use two fans in the kitchen
Your roommate goes to the gulag when the People's Spice Army finally crosses the Potomac.
I can't handle spicy food but who the fuck gets upset from onions?
unironically belongs in the gulag
I cook anything with garlic, onions, chilis, etc.
That's 90% of the food I cook lol, just add toasted black pepper and it rises to 95%
He pronounces the "h" in "what," I didn't even know that was possible
I've been in a lot of poor houses and a lot of rich houses when dinner's getting cooked and I've never encountered this
Growing up we would eat a lot of home made bread and venison stews, so my house always smelled delicious when I got home from school. No ragrats
for people with certain upbringing/class/etc. the smell of food in the house is seen as disgusting
distance and volatile compounds
standing in the kitchen chicken soup smells good
standing in the upstairs bedroom when someone is cooking chicken soup smells bad
Depends on the fast food really but standard-tier stuff is always better in your head than in reality
The absolute state of journalism when we're hearing about trump's actual farts
Im starting to think that post about getting trump to kill himself has merit
"He buys PoOr PeOpLe FoOd and It SmElLs!!!" -- libs
"He doesn't even go to brunch!" -- Also libs
"What do you mean my oysters smell worse?"
You know, the responses where people are saying that we shouldn't make fun of this because fast food is the food of poor people are weird to me. As if Trump can't afford to eat better and his addiction to fast food isn't some incredibly bizarre personal affectation, but some kind of genuine connection he has to the working class. A sleazy billionaire who can afford to eat anything he wants being addicted to McDonalds is actually an ok thing to make fun of.
It's also weird that you don't think fast food being "poor people food" isn't deeply sad. Working class people should have the time and resources to cook healthy food for themselves.
I'm not really defending trump and his funny addiction. Just ripping on libs. The only reason they act this way is because they judge people for being poor. They are telegraphing something they think deep down with frequency when they say this out loud about Trump, just the same way as they're comfortable with making homophobic jokes about putin/trump.
Homophobia isn't ok because it's targeted at people we don't like and neither is classism. The root of this is ultimately classism.
You don't have to take it as a defence of Trump, an oddity, because nobody here wants to defend Trump. It is a defence against a classist attack.
They're covering up the braps from his stress eating. When elderly men eat anything other than prune juice, cherry liqueur, and ham sandwiches, they become wind turbines.
Green New Deal legislation will include using Trump for clean energy.
I think theyre trying to cover up the aftereffects of eating just fastfood for days.
He's finishing his final evolution into Mayor McCheese.