I would be real disappointed if that was true
Also, why are pronouns bad when we do it?
"Ok guys I just got this great idea for how we can troll the left, it's really funny I promise, what if we like, what if we all like, set up a community where we pretend to be commies, and also a bunch of us were like, trans and gay and stuff? No no like hear me out we would like ban anyone who says slurs or questions the validity of trans people in any way, lol. Like, what if we designed a bunch of custom emojis with the trans flag and made everyone display pronouns next to the name to make sure nobody gets misgendered? That'd be so funny lol. But we HAVE to make sure nobody catches on, so we should just like, keep the bit to ourselves for a couple years, we'd have to like, spend a couple years hanging out in that kinda space with just us until we can perfect the bit. Ok so who's down?"
Seriously, have these people met chuds before? I'd be impressed to see one that could keep the mask on for like a day.
Don't forget having fucking reading groups and forums for learning about leftist theory and history and having many users on hand who can discuss Marxist, etc. works with a great deal of familiarity, often readily including citations and encouraging people to do their own reading.
This is some "Judeo-Bolshevism" level shit
Would you be able to recommend some threads/comms that discuss theory and history? I'm new to hexbear and want to read up.
Listen to the Blowback podcast and the official podcast of the community founded around the podcast Chapo Trap House, which is Citations Needed.
Thanks for recommending, I'll be sure to check those out.
Highly recommend this reading-
someall of the audio links still work I think https://hexbear.net/post/48476The reading never ends, but it's worth it.
We need more text heavy memes. It's the only way to prove our credentials.
I don't think they have met CHUDs. They talk about them, but almost never actually interact with them. So their entire idea about them is concocted in their own heads. That way they don't risk being challenged by the way the CHUDs use exactly the same arguments as libs.
You might have a point. I guess most of us here are better at understanding what goes on inside the heads of chuds, compared to the average person.
At the same time, I think a lot of the stuff people say about us are symbolic beliefs that have more to do with the person saying them. For example, I don't think libs "really" think we're bots or foreign agents, but denouncing us as such lets them reaffirm their loyalty to the state. And this "secretly right-wing" stuff has the same feel. They believe it the same way people "believed" that Trump was going to make Mexico pay for the wall, they just like the way it feels when it comes out of their mouth.
Exactly right, at least as far as I can tell. Their complaints about us are ultimately immaterial. They're just "bad things." we are a collection of "bad things" to them, so they don't have to listen to us. We make them uncomfortable, because Liberalism doesn't actually explain anything about the world, but we clearly do have some kind of understanding of things that they lack. That's threatening to their worldview.
But if they can put us in the "secretly right wing" box, then all our arguments are just "trickery" trying to trick them, the most important people. So they can feel justified in dismissing us without thought because we're part of the bad guy team. Cognitive dissonance resolved.
The thing that gets me is how none of these explanations make any sense in the context that we were on our own for three years. No one's doing an act for three years, especially with nobody to troll. No government is paying foreign agents to talk to each other. And like you said it's very self-centered, almost to the point of solipsism, like my opinion is so important that people are concocting these elaborate ruses to try and fool me, as opposed to the idea that... people just think differently than you? Just an utter unwillingness to consider that anyone might exist who doesn't fit neatly into one of the two mainstream American cultural boxes. Social chauvinists tbqh.
It's really self-serving isn't it? The liberals on lemmy are just so damn important that you'd fake 3 full years of posts where you "pretend" to be leftists just to try and fool them when you finally ended up federating.
It's pure conspiracy theory logic really. The idea that "any evidence against my position is actually just a ruse, regardless of how impossible it would be to actually set that up." Not to mention how much of a waste it would be, what would it even accomplish? If we convinced some shitlib that the whole system is bullshit, then what happens? They just don't vote for Biden next election. Business as usual. It changes nothing about the US, except that maybe the representative of the bourgeoisie is an orange clown of an old man instead of just standard white old man.
Yeah and you see a lot of stuff that's like, in one of the first news threads we were in someone was like, "Just bring up Tiananmen Square, that'll make 'em go away," (and get absolutely dogpiled) and today I saw someone post that copypasta with the Chinese characters that's supposed to dispel Chinese bots or agents, and it's like, those things never work. They have to know they never work. It really is just an article of faith, it's clutching your beads and repeating a mantra until the demons leave you alone.
I guess they technically work in a sense. Like yeah, if someone goes:
"Tinyman square yogurt genocide checkmate tankies."
ShowYeah, I'll probably just leave them alone. They aren't worth talking to.
Though it is the internet debate equivalent of shitting your pants to get everyone else to leave the room. They just don't understand how they aren't actually "winning" so much as they are "not worth wasting time interacting with."
Yeah I think a bit of the "secretly right-wing" is about morality. It also is about authority and not really thought out concepts of violence and force. There also is the "intention" and "effect" thing going on with sane-ism. Parenti and Lenin said lots of it well, too.
Incredible bit idea though, getting a bunch of
on estrogen for 3 years learning about queer theory to stick it to the libs
Trying to figure out if I can use this irl, like, "No, see, I'm only transitioning to act as a deep cover operative so I can find and expose the grooming rings, can I count on your cooperation in keeping up my disguise by calling me by a different name and pronouns?"
CW: antisemitism
Even at the peak of the the bizarre frenworld stuff when they tried their damnedest to keep the mask on there'd be a happy merchant or triple parens in every thread
Also I spend too much time here I started spelling "bullshit" B-O-L-S-H from transcribing my inner monologue.
Just like all their other bullshit. They claim we're right-wing, they claim we aren't LGBTQ+ accepting, they claim we support Putin, yet no matter how many times we ask, never once have they ever bothered to pony up any evidence to back up these wild accusations.
The issue is that the liberals have figured out you don't need evidence. You just need more people to repeat a message often enough for it to become the accepted """truth""". It doesn't have to be the actual truth but you create it by making people believe it through repetition.
It's propaganda, and it works. Nobody is immune to it including us, but the more switched-off to propaganda that people are the more susceptible to it they are. And the vast majority of people are switched off to it.
That's why they defederate us though. They create a chamber in which we don't exist, and then repeat the propaganda without opposition where people believe it.
They did the same with historical revisionism, like the ribbentrop pact, and look at how almost every lib repeats that ahistorical shit now.
Social media pillarisation is about getting communists away from susceptible liberals, so that they don't become communists and so that communists don't interfere with their propaganda by injecting the actual truth.
I think since federation I've only seen a lemmy lib post a source once, and it was a link to wikipedia. They are allergic to providing proof/sources, whether it be a serious political discussion or petty federation drama. I saw a lemmy claim they received transphobic comments from a hexbear. A mod from here replied to them to provide the username so they can be banned. Of course the user "couldn't remember" the username (can't you just check your post history?).
They're presumably much more used to people just believing the shit they say, and likewise they're more used to just going along with whatever they hear. Many of us are commies in deeply capitalistic countries and we're used to people not just going along with what we say, we're used to them not believing us, expecting sources, we're used to them trying to find any way they can to dismiss the sources we provide, and so on ...
In regards to de federation I did half a dozen digs. In those dugs I found 5 people inventing things and one who was telling the truth somewhat correct, but since they didn't get the vibe they misinterpreted the meaning of it. After that I stopped and took up the concept of: "If someone did something to you then you better link it in the fediverse, else I think you are lying".
During the de federation of one instance I found a soldier who insulted for being an US narc. That guy claimed he got deaht threats for correcting people, not for him literally being in the war of aggression organization with genocide and collateral damage as a side dish.
We're right wing because we support right wing governments like the USSR, duh
So people here are right wingers pretending to be trans and left wing. In order to keep up the charade, we suppress our deeply held right wing urges to hate gay people by banning all homophobia, mandating pronouns, and having explicitly pro-trans comms. And we've done all of this completely isolated for years.
And we have executed this plot in order to....?
Trick the Good Liberals on the Internet and make them doubt the purity of their faith
If they had the words they could critique us for our non consistent attitude in regards to anti imperialism vs progressivism in terms of liberalism etc. and a couple other things (which is in part a result of our diversity and left unity and in parts of other things).
However even if they had the words a vast majority would still use ill fitting attacks.
Right wingers would have made the attack helicopter joke more often in a three year long bit
i was browsing blahaj to see what the aftermath of defederation was like. reading the thread this came from made me so angry i had to just stop
ShowYeah, those shitlibs really drove my brain cells to the brink of death in such an intense way that it awoke me from my 2 year old slumber. No more lurking, only dunking from now on.
sorry to hear about your 2 year old, hope you were able to get them back to sleep
Did I stutter? No more sleep, only dunk! That includes the younglings. !
first time I've ever seen them posting theory of any kind and it's to something by ziq
edit- no shade to my anarchist comrades, ziq is obnoxious
that's not theory, that's just radlib ranting posted to the anarchist library
Wait thinking Johns are gross is being detached from reality now? Really? Have any of these people actually talked to anyone in real life? Even fucking dudebros hate on Johns and call them simps lmao. Like I'm telling you, you're not going to find much support for this in the real world. There's a reason men don't solicit sex workers in public and tell their wives about it.
There's a reason sex work models in some countries make "selling" legal but "buying" illegal. It's a real thing in the real world.
They picked probably the worst possible example to prove how disconnected we are. Shoulda gone with the rock stacking struggle sesh smh
Yeah there's so many things they could have focused on, like outdoor cats vs indoor cats, rock stacking, our extremely weird in jokes, but they chose the one thing, which isn't even a general position on here, just the opinion of one user, in which their views line up with societies general outlook.
Has real "I'm pro sex work because I want to have sex with these women" vibes.
Painting the commodification of sex as emancipatory is peak radlib shit.
Real "touch grass" moment. 90% of people understand that decent humans do not enjoy coerced intimacy.
I like to point people to the "reviews" left by german johns or this essay by Esperanza Fonseca.
I can't speak for the Hexbear line, but the Lemmygrad line is strictly anti-John.
as any socialist space should be. im not gonna save the feelings of comrades who have solicited prostitution. if you have ever been a john, you have raped. self crit abt it, crying abt it here alienates sex workers who have to live every day with their experiences of being hyper objectified and regularly coerced into sexual acts
frfr, it shouldnt be controversial in a socialist space to say that johns are rapists. they are economically coercing ppl to perform sex acts. if labor under capitalism is coercive, johns are rapists
society’s general outlook is anti sex work. considering johns as rapists is basic solidarity w sex workers
Didn't we just have an anti-SWERF struggle session a couple months ago? I thought the consensus was that sex has already been commodified and that sex work is no more "selling your body" than coal mining or any of a number of other jobs is, and that if you're taking particular offense to sex work you should seriously reconsider whether that energy is coming from a sexist slut-shaming puritanical place or truly from your leftist values.
I didn't take any particular stance on the issue because I'm neither sex worker, nor john, nor a woman. I guess I'm saying this partly to restate the strict anti-SWERF hexbear line, and partly to clarify my own understanding, not to attack you personally because I don't think you've said anything necessarily incompatible with this, but it could be taken that way.
In a later comment in this thread I clarified with
which isn't even a general position on here, just the opinion of one user.
I am aware we are anti swerf, but I'm not aware of the specifics of the general site position or anyone else's thoughts on the matter.
- Show
this is the take SamPond at blahaj was mad at. being anti john isnt SWERF shit. being anti john is abt having solidarity with sex workers. sex workers are indeed workers as much as coal miners are. pimps and johns, however, are akin to coal mine owners in this analogy. johns are not mere consumers, they are directly exploiting the labor of sex workers.
The first paragraph is very:
If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35 you have no brain.
Which has been a pet peeve of mine for a while. I think usually because they don't give any reasoning or explanation. It's just "you don't understand the world yet", then explain it to me!
I feel like the intent has to be just to dismiss young people's views as being out of touch, without offering anything better.
I was a libertarian at 25 and i'm a communist at 40, their truism sucks and is wrong
Same, also with having kids still only drove me further left.
I was conservative at 10, libertarian at 12, social democrat at 15, anarchist at 25, and Marxist-Leninist at 30.
Why would I become more conservative when capital is making the world more shit every year of my life lol
I am old enough to remember the GDR in colour. With decades of political work and working mostly for our lower precarious third. Yet somehow I am a 20 year old who gets money from his parents(?) - I wish! Having a body that doesn't hurt would be amazing.
if we're pretending to be leftists, how are we BETTER at it then them?
Because even though they can't find any evidence of right wing ideology on this instance, they know it's here. Any REAL leftist would support the USA and NATO no matter what. And since rightwingers and tankies hate LGBT people, that must make the pronouns a mockery. It's sarcasm on top of sarcasm.
It only makes sense if you start with the conclusion and work backwards.
A Tribunal of Hexbear Users Sentencing JK Rowling to the Gulag (Ironically, as a Prank), 2036, Colorized.
Oh look, i can post my favorite emoji string the second time within less than an hour.
"China only ever does good things because they think it makes them look good internationally" Energy. But it doesn't work, so why do they/we continue to bother?
This is an aggressively LGBTQ+ space and if you're cishet and you're still with us you're unironically one of the good ones™
Eh? I think being one of the good ones requires a certain proactivity that isnt really proved by being here, but I agree with the sentiment.
While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free
My 'Not a cishet informant' t-shirt has a lot of people asking questions already answered by the shirt.
I am the token cishet required to receive our funding from Soros, Xi, and Putin. Nice to meet you!
I happen to know a few people who are "most likely straight" or "probably cis" or both, just give them time
jk ... unless?
For a fun game go to blahaj.zone and search locally for any mention of
"In fact, we carried, before we had a pride flag, we carried the North Vietnamese flag as our pride flag. Now you could hear that and think “well that’s interesting”, but it wasn’t just an abstract thing.
(And by the way, I know there’s some people who have to leave at, uh, for a nursing class here; nobody’s gonna look at you funny when you go. I know people are starting to get nervous about—don’t worry, you go with our grace.)
So, the Gay Liberation Front and the Third World Liberation Front named themselves in solidarity with the North Vietnamese people at a time when that was considered treason. That’s like now, coming out and defending the resistance of the Iraqi people, the Palestinian people, the North Korean people, the Iranian people, the Cuban people. We face getting beaten up on the streets for marching with the Vietnamese flag but we knew that if we didn’t defend the Vietnamese people we were gonna weaken, first of all the people who deserved our support because we were the aircraft carrier in which the war was being launched in all our names. We would lose the solidarity with the Vietnamese people and we would lose our own political souls and movement as well if we didn’t take a position in support.
We were supporters on the front lines of the women’s liberation movement even when there were some who didn’t want us to be there—who said ooh, if you could just get out of the way, because you know, we’re strong women and they’re calling us lesbians [be]cause you’re around. We’re like, excuse me, we’re withstanding the lesbian invading—you better get used to that. As strong women you better get used to saying “and yes, many of us are!” Because otherwise, you’ll just back yourself right off a cliff. And I would ask you, do we have an equal rights amendment today? It was not a winning strategy.
We were involved in all these struggles, but not because we said it’s gonna be a tit-for-tat: “I’ll do this if you’ll do that. I’ll come to your demo Wednesday if you come to mine Thursday.” We did it because we knew it was a fight we had to join and be a part of. And it strengthened all—"
Sweetie you're not an ally to LGBTQ people unless you're a mask off scratched liberal who loves war.
ur not an LGBTQ ally unless you want to arm nazis
We are the right wing? Does this mean we can get corporate funding and unlimited access to the mainstream media?
shit, I forgot to give the Heritage Foundation my direct deposit details
Ah more vile shit about how AKCHTUALLY all those queer Hexbears aren't actually queer. Please keep invalidating my identity libs maybe eventually if you hate me enough I might want to join your hateful little shit club
Is having had sex with three genders and not having had sex with another person who isn't interested in sex yesterday queer enough or do I need to dye my hair light blue?