Mutapa (aka Matapa, Mwenemutapa, and Monomotapa) was a southern African kingdom located in the north of modern Zimbabwe along the Zambezi River which flourished between the mid-15th and mid-17th century CE. Although sometimes described as an empire, there is little evidence that the Shona people of Mutapa ever established such control over the region. Prospering thanks to its local resources of gold and ivory, the kingdom traded with Muslim merchants on the coast of East Africa and then the Portuguese during the 16th century CE. The kingdom went into decline when it was weakened by civil wars, and the Portuguese conquered its territory around 1633 CE.
Great Zimbabwe Decline
By the 15th century CE, the kingdom of Great Zimbabwe (est. c. 1100 CE) was in decline and any links with the lucrative coastal trade of the Swahili coast had ceased. This may be because gold deposits had run out in the territory controlled by the kingdom. Additional factors may have included overpopulation, overworking of the land, and deforestation, leading to food shortages which were perhaps brought to crisis point by a series of droughts.
By the second half of the 15th century CE, the Bantu-speaking Shona peoples had migrated a few hundred kilometres northwards from Great Zimbabwe to a land where they displaced the indigenous pygmies and smaller tribes who fled to the forests and desert. The exact relationship between Great Zimbabwe and Mutapa is not known other than that archaeology has shown both kingdoms had very similar pottery, weapons, tools, and luxury manufactured goods like jewellery.
The Shona thus formed a new state, the kingdom of Mutapa, from around 1450 CE, although it may well have been a case of the Zimbabwe ruling elite changing capital rather than a general population movement from the south. The founder and first Mutapa king was Nyatsimba Mutota. According to Shona oral tradition, Mutota had been sent to investigate the land around the north bend of the Zambezi River and he came back with the glad tidings that it was plentiful in salt and wild game.
The Mutapa Kingdom
The kingdom of Mutapa is sometimes, despite the lack of evidence of an administrative apparatus, flatteringly described as the Mutapa Empire. The kingdom would, however, nominally control territory south of the Zambezi River bend in what is today's northern Zimbabwe and a small slice of southern Zambia. Here in the valley of Mazoe, a tributary of the Zambezi, the kingdom prospered and was able to subjugate, or at least exert some form of dominance over neighbouring kingdoms like the Mannyika, Uteve, and Mbara. Here there were also alluvial and reef gold deposits but not as rich as those once found at Great Zimbabwe. Beyond these areas, it is not known where precisely the borders of the Mutapa kingdom extended to except that its heartland was the Mukaranga region.
Monarchs ruled over a population of warriors who were also farmers and cattle-herders and who fought for the ruling elite in campaigns against rival tribes and chiefdoms. Initially, this arrangement worked well but rulers either did not or could not impose any form of administrative apparatus across their kingdom so that its unity, and indeed, survival, very much depended on the personality and talents of particular rulers. By appointing their own family members as regional governors and not creating any institutions of local government, whenever a chief died so too did the wholly centralised state apparatus.
Kings & Government
The chiefs or kings of the Shona held the royal title Mwene Mutapa, meaning either 'lord of metals' or 'master pillager' and they were, too, the religious head of the kingdom. They wore or carried as their badge of office a hoe and spear made of gold and ivory. Kings lived in an enclosed compound with separate buildings for the queen and another group for royal attendants. The latter group typically consisted of males under 20 years of age who came from the families of subjugated tribal chiefs and whose presence guaranteed compliance with Mutapa rule. When these young males were of the age to become warriors, they were sent home and given parcels of land or their own regions to govern in order to ensure their future loyalty.
Gold, ivory, copper, animal hides, and slaves, acquired from the territories under the control of Mutapa, were exchanged for other goods such as embroidered textiles and glass beads from India at the great trade cities which occupied the coast of East Africa. Especially important to Mutapa was the outpost of Sofala, then controlled by the more northern city of Kilwa. These imported goods were then traded by Mutapa merchants for gold and ivory acquired from highland tribes. Trade was only ever in the hands of the ruling elite, and kings became rich from the profits, a situation which only enhanced their prestige and authority as they gave out gifts in return for loyalty.
Art & Architecture
Unlike at the other great southern African kingdom capitals of Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe, there were no local stone deposits at Mutapa with which to build impressive stone houses and walls. The capital was enclosed by a wooden palisade and buildings made using dried mud and wooden poles. Estimates of the capital's peak population, based on various Portuguese sources, are around 4,000 inhabitants. Other remains of structures include fortresses made on low rises which were improved with earthworks and protected by wooden palisades.
The Portuguese & Decline
The Portuguese began to establish a presence and then control of the lucrative Swahili coast trade cites following the voyage of Vasco da Gama in 1498-9 CE when he went around the Cape of Good Hope and up the east coast of Africa. From 1530 CE attempts were made to establish trading markets (feiras) within Mutapa, to interfere in the kingdom's system of rule and even to convert the king and his people to the Jesuit faith, all of which were failures and only diminished the position of the king amongst his subjects. Another outside contact came from the Muslim Swahili merchants who travelled with their goods to Mutapa, although the Islamic religion was never adopted in the kingdom and people clung to their traditional Bantu animist beliefs and ancestor and fetish worship.
Around 1633 CE the Portuguese chose a more aggressive policy to control the region's resources and cut out their great rivals, the Swahili merchants. They attacked and conquered the kingdom of Mutapa, which was already weakened by damaging civil wars, causing its internal collapse.
In the event, the Europeans soon lost interest when the gold they had hoped for proved to be far less in quantity than was being found elsewhere such as in West Africa or Inca Peru. Tropical disease was another factor in making any European presence in the region an ethereal and temporary one. What remained of Mutapa territory was then taken over by Batua, a long-time rival Shona kingdom, in 1693 CE. By the early 20th century CE the region was under control of the British South Africa Company, and two new states were formed in 1911 CE: Northern and Southern Rhodesia. The former would become the modern state of Zambia in 1964 CE while the latter eventually became Zimbabwe in 1980 CE.
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you were spending your time closing the gates, when you should've been closing the game and reading some theory :lenin-heisenberg:
I hate computers so god damn much I am going to throw every single computer out my window
Congratulations, you are now qualified to work tech support anywhere you want.
I feel like I'm the only one with any right to be logged into or post on this site because I've never had sex and I don't date people.
The outside is scary and full of danger. Hamsters are the smartest creatures for they have realized that and have dedicated their lives to being solitary weirdos who live in holes and never go outside to talk to anyone. :felix-trash: I should live like hamsters more
Is this actually true about hamsters or do we just tend to keep them in solitary confinement?
Hamsters are solitary in the wild. Some pet stores might tell people who don't do their homework that they can keep them together. It usually ends in a bloodbath in about a week. The only time hamsters cohabitate naturally is for mating and for about the first month of their lives when the young in the litter haven't developed enough skills to go live on their own
Man, I hate being a leftist. I used to love the game Mercenaries, but now I'm just sad I that North Korea is the one faction you can't join.
Dear Hexbear forums,
I didn't think any of these stories were real until it happened to me. The website logged me out :angry-hex:
:sicko-hexbear:👉 :logout: :sicko-hexbear: 👉:logout:
Just had my catalytic converter stolen and insurance doesn't cover it. Fs in the chat, comrades
Whelp, my wife's older aunt just went off the deep end into QAnon territory after some mild flirtation with posting Q memes on Facebook.
She accused her son of being a pedophile for canvassing for Democrats last month, and he cut her off from her grandchildren. So she decided to file a false police report and is now in jail. She called her daughters to bail her out but neither one of them picked up the phone.
Family drama wasn't this intense until Fox News and Facebook came along. Some seniors' brains are largely dune-sized brain worms at this point.
In response to his various anti-Semetic statements and praise of the Nazis and Adolf Hitler, the Lithuanian parliament has unanimously voted Kanye West as Prime Minister
I just saw a post that was ironically talking about Irish people in the same way that anti-semites talk about Jews, in an ironic and over the top way. Then in the comments fascists were saying that English are culturally superior to Irish people, and that can be proved by looking at the list of scientific advancements made by English people
Like I know it's obvious, but understanding history truly means nothing to fascists. England having ten times the population, better access to European trade routes, the wealth of an empire, vs Irish people being genocided, systemically excluded from institutions and their land and labor robbed by imperialism. Yeah I fucking wonder why there's been more scientific advancements in England.
I was gonna go to sleep but now I'm just pissed off
Comrades I want to cry
I think I falling in love
Edit: I'm feeling better comrades :meow-hug: thanks for the advice everyone, I'm going to bed. Take good care of yourselves y'all, and remember others are there for you if you need help 💚
It's been so long since the last time, I can't even remember.
But it feels so dumb this time. I think this is a terrible idea. I feel so dumb I don't know what to do
We've never even met offline.
We've only "known" each other for a few weeks, talked for only a few days.
Nothing about this screams "possible" or "true"
To answer your first question
yes :yes-sicko:
Hexbear SHOULD ban a user every week :maduro-salute:
Random purges are communist tradition, it should be followed whatever the costTo answer your second question
I don't know????? It's clear we both really enjoy talking to eachother, that's at least reciprocal...
And that's all I know about her side of things?For me it's just that I really care about her? I just maybe think I felt a connection to her.
It's just I suddenly out of nowhere really cared about her and now I'm suddenly crying harder
Like I would really love to meet her in person, talk irl, maybe share a hug?
Also my hormones are off the whack so idk if those are tricking me into thinking things?idk I just don't know how to feel about this whole situation... It's a mess
I think the affection and limerance you feel for her is real, and there might even be the beginning sparks of love there. But if you want this to work, you need to ask a question of yourself and answer honestly: "can I still be friends with this person even if she doesn't feel the same way about me?" If you think you can, you should be slow, deliberate, and feel out her responses to small suggestions of your intentions. If she doesn't bite then you can back off without scaring her off. But if it's all or nothing for you, then I would say just rip off the bandage and get your answer.
I don't think it's silly to want to be seen, understood, or cherished. It's quite natural. I try to love very openly when I'm able to. But it takes time, and it takes effort, stress, and tears. I think the fact that you care about someone is good and healthy. It's human. But, your fears are also grounded. Putting yourself out there opens you up to the risks that come with knowing others and being hurt. The pain of trying and failing is also human. But I definitely am hoping for the best, and that you succeed in making this person happy.
If things work out, you can ask me for advice on long distance relationships, if you like.
lol thanks a lot. 💚 The thing is I think I could easily ask her out lol and even brushing off rejection I could handle :vivian-shrug: she'd still be a very great friend
I just don't know what I'd do if she said yes.
I don't think I could live with being in such a long distance relationship, there's just so much of a person that feels out of reach and I'm not just talking about the physical aspects. Like what do you do when you start missing someone before you've even ever been together?So yeah lol if you've got advice I wouldn't mind hearing some
Sorry, one thing I forgot to address directly is this line:
Like what do you do when you start missing someone before you’ve even ever been together?
I think to deal with the feeling of missing someone you have to redirect it into forward movement. Missing someone is a motivating feeling, it's your body asking you a question on how you're going to solve a problem. To summarize everything else I told you: the answer is turning that feeling into goal-setting, and the hope that tomorrow is going to bring you closer to them. You have to be able to say to yourself concretely "this is how I'm going to stop missing them, even if it takes us a long time to get there."
Firstly I have to establish that I know what coutry she lives in, and that country happens to be 1000 miles away from me
just felt important to state. will answer further, give me a sec.
yes sorry lol I put in the exact opposite word I meant to write
we've never met offline
Also I have to share lol one comerad DM'd me to give advice it was really good, exactly what I needed to hear in my situation. Really helped calm me down.
it was several paragraphs long but in the middle of it was written in caps locks:
the context of the advice was “COMMUNICATION IS THE FOUNDATION OF EVERY GREAT RELATIONSHIP.” which is an advice similar to one of Maos 11 rules for life iirc.
Y'all marxists are smart 💚lol I love this community y'all are the best
Further proof that JPII knew about and covered up sex abuse. Saint btw.
State atheism is the correct path for communist states for many reasons, and Lenin was correct (as usual).:deeper-sadness:
Just saw a report that most of gen z (and some millennials) will need at least 3M to retire, and that’s considering the state of the the world in 2022. Not only is that number going to increase in all likelihood, but you’re also going to have a country of geriatrics living paycheck to paycheck because the government fails to keep corporations under control