Caliphate of Córdoba, Muslim state that existed in Spain from January 16, 929, when ʿAbd al-Raḥmān III assumed the supreme title of caliph, to 1031, when the puppet ruler Hishām III was deposed by his viziers and the caliphate disintegrated into the so-called kingdoms of the taifa. During this century there were 12 caliphs, all except the first two of whom were puppets and most of whom died by violence.
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān III was followed by the studious al-Ḥakam II (961–976), who gathered a library of 400,000 catalogued volumes, founded 27 free schools in Córdoba, and attracted scholars from the east to teach in the university. His reign was succeeded by the dictatorship of Abū ʿĀmir al-Manṣūr (Almanzor), a courtier who achieved power through the favour of the Basque-born sultana Subh during the minority of her son Hishām II.
Al-Manṣūr’s rule (978–1002) marked a period of brilliant military successes abroad and increasing unrest at home. With his mercenary army he won a series of spectacular victories against the Christians, capturing Zamora (981), Barcelona (985), and Coimbra (987). In 997 he razed Santiago de Compostela and returned with the bells of the city’s cathedral to serve as braziers in the mosque of Córdoba. Popular opposition to al-Manṣūr’s successors broke into partisan warfare between the Cordobans, the Berbers, and the slave officials of the royal household, sometimes with Castilian intervention. All sides used the caliphs as pawns in the competition for control of the state. The last caliph was imprisoned with his family in a vault attached to the great mosque and reportedly reacted to the news of his deposition by begging for a crust of bread.
The collapse of the caliphate shortly after attaining its military zenith was partly due to the weakening of Umayyad authority by al-Manṣūr’s dictatorship but mostly due to continuous hostilities between Arabs, Berbers, slave officials, Jews, native Spanish converts to Islam, and Arabized Christians (Mozarabs). Under the caliphate, Muslim Spain was the most populous and prosperous country in Europe. Increased irrigation produced an agricultural surplus which, with manufactured luxury goods (such as Cordoban leather, Valencian pottery, and Damascus steel arms and woven silk from Toledo), was exported mainly eastward.
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@MaxOS @MaybeNickCage @MelaniaTrump @Mindfury @Nakoichi @Ness @PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS @PorkrollPosadist @President_Obama @PurrLure @Ram_The_Manparts @Redcuban1959 @REallyN @RNAi
@Rojo27 @RoseColoredVoid @solaranus @SorosFootSoldier @Sickos @silent_water @Sphere @Spike @spring_rabbit @ssjmarx @take_five_seconds @TankieTanuki @Teekeeus @Tervell
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why the fuck are added sugars even legal? A fuckin 120 calorie cranberry sauce thingy has almost half of your daily sugar limit in one serving. Also it's advertised as being healthy despite it having literally zero vitamins or minerals and a dickload of sugar in it. I love the USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
No wonder 900% of americans have type 2 diabetes when eating something even as small as this nukes your pancreas
People add sugar to homemade cranberry sauce also . I've only tried the juice and it was super sour so that's probably why it's balanced with terrible amounts of sugar
true but there's also plenty of other low calorie foods that will annihilate your pancreas.
Cranberries are insanely tart and it takes a huge amount of sugar to make cranberry sauce edible
I know bc I make it from scratch every Thanksgiving :comfy:
maybe I chose a bad food to complain about but there are tons of other foods with 20 tons of sugar put into it
I think it's also clear that the anti-trans and general lgbt panic that conservatives are trying to cook up alienates normal people.
And the only won the house due to Cuomo. I genuinely wonder if the GOP wanted to lose to keep those fundraising bucks?
I think there was also infighting between different factions that hurt them. The most obvious is Peter Thiel vs. Mitch McConnell. Thiel tried to plant several of his courtiers into the party, but only got JD Vance, partly because McConnell directed party funds away from those candidates.
The major parties are both trying to lose all the time for fundraising?
:tromp: going 2-14 with his swing state endorsements is :chefs-kiss:
"Voting is the *reopening the fridge door right after you closed it* of political activism"
-My thought for the day. Please share and subscribe for more! 💚
Breaking news:
Dawn Beveridge Thoughts is shutting down
07/12/2022"Hi it's me, Dawn Beveridge of Dawn Beveridge thoughts. For the past 40 minutes, I have helped bring to people some thoughts that illuminated electoralism in ways never seen before. These ideas have helped people somewhat to kinda get a vibe for the thing. And I am very glad to have the best and most loyal fans one thought-sharing-company could ever have. But it is with sad news that I must announce that we must disappoint you all, for we are shutting down.
Unfortunately, funding as well as the creative juices of our team have run out. It is no longer possible for this service to operate in the way it has for the rest of our runtime. The previous thoughts will remain public for those who still love them. But no longer will be ever create new ones at the same rate as the previous schedule of whatever that is.
It has been a pleasure to be able to come up with dumb thoughts for you all. May the energy we brought to this world be carried within you all.
Keep on thinking on, Dawnerz.
-Beveridge 💚"
Okay! It's a deal!
takes the 75 million $
disappears from the surface of the earth and is never heard of again
Do you really buy the narrative that every person in the Supreme Court just so happens to be named Justice?
They're mocking us
Getting misgendered and then the guy apologizes but also gives a thorough and detailed list of reasons why he thought you were a guy.
Today sucks.
writing a cv is torturous bullshit and i despise these applications.
"advertise yourself" dickhead i have a top class degree in the correct area, i'm qualified, what more do you want? who gives a shit that i wasn't chair of the fucking student choir
My favourite type of clickbait: Remember celebrity from 40 years ago??? THIS IS HOW OLD AND DECREPIT THEY LOOK IN 2022
mr boomer! have you considered that the person who made your dick hard in 1970 might not do it for you anymore? click to see if your worst fears about the ravages of time are true!
*michael moore voice *: don't you think it's a little dangerous handing out katanas in a home depot?