On this day in 1977, following fraudulent elections that put General Romero in power, the right-wing Salvadoran military viciously attacked anti-government protesters in San Salvador, killing between 200 and 1,500 people.
The protest was anti-government in character, and took place following fraudulent elections earlier that year, in which the National Opposing Union (Spanish: "Unión Nacional Opositora", UNO), a political coalition composed of the Christian Democratic Party, the National Revolutionary Movement, and the Nationalist Democratic Union, had "lost" to the right-wing, military-controlled National Conciliation Party.
On February 28th, 1977, a crowd of political demonstrators gathered in downtown San Salvador to protest the electoral fraud. Security forces arrived on the scene and opened fire, resulting in a massacre as they indiscriminately killed demonstrators and bystanders alike.
Estimates of the number of civilians killed range between 200 and 1,500. The casualties were underreported by the New York Times, which reported on March 1st, 1977 that only six people had been killed. President Molina blamed the protests on "foreign Communists" and immediately exiled a number of top UNO party members from the country.
One of the consequences of the massacre was the formation of "February 28 Popular Leagues" (Spanish: "Ligas Populares 28 de Febrero", LP-28), a movement launched in September 1977 by the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), functioning as its mass front.
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@aaaaaaadjsf @Abraxiel @Abstraction @Acute_Engles @American_Communist22 @AnarchaPrincess @Antilope @Alaskaball @Aliveelectricwire @artificialset @bbnh69420 @BigLadKarlLiebknecht @buh @CatEars420 @cawsby @CDommunist @Cheesewizzard @Cherufe @ClimateChangeAnxiety @clover @comi @Commander_Data @ComradeCmdrPiggy @ComradeEchidna @context @congressbaseballfan @corgiwithalaptop @crime @Cromalin @CyborgMarx @Dawn_Beveridge @Dirt_Owl @Dolores @Donut @drinkinglakewater @Dryad @ElChapoDeChapo @ElGosso @el_principito @EmmaGoldman @FidelCashflow @Flinch @flowernet @forcequit @Frogmanfromlake @Gabbo @GalaxyBrain @ghosts @Goadstool @GomerPyle @GorbinOutOverHere @GoroAkechi @Grownbravy @GVAGUY3 @HarryLime @hexaflexagonbear @HoChiMaxh @Hohsia @Ho_Chi_Chungus @Ideology @InevitableSwing @iwillavengeyoufather @I_HATE_JOHN_CALVIN @jabrd @JamesConeZone @Kanna @Kaputnik @Koa_lala @kristina @LesbianLiberty @marxisthayaca
@MaxOS @MelaniaTrump @Mindfury @Nakoichi @PaulSmackage @plinky @PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS @PorkrollPosadist @President_Obama @PurrLure @Ram_The_Manparts @Redcuban1959 @RNAi
@Rojo27 @RoseColoredVoid @solaranus @SorosFootSoldier @Sickos @silent_water @Sphere @Spike @spring_rabbit @ssjmarx @take_five_seconds @TankieTanuki @Teekeeus @Tervell
@TheSpectreOfGay @ThisMachinePostsHog @ultraviolet @UlyssesT @Venustum @viva_la_juche @WhatDoYouMeanPodcast @WhyEssEff @WIIHAPPYFEW @wtypstanaccount04 @wombat @Yanqui_UXO @Zoift @Zuzak@thelastaxolotl @WhoaSlowDownMaurice @Quimby @Lydia
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Remember nerds, no current struggle session discussion here on the general megathread, i will ban you from the comm and remove your comment, have a good day/night :meow-coffee:
i literally just posted, 24 hour megathreads are too fast and inhibit posting by reducing the value of posting at the uncertainly timed end of a megathread cycle
it should be a megathread a week, with a several hour window where both are up so people can get that last little bit of posting in if they were replying to something
Nah, I think a 48-hour thread would be fine, but I like the idea of buffer time.
Megathread duration will be varied by one standard deviation every day to keep everyone's posting game strong
:hexbear-bi-2::hexbear-bi:I LOVE MEN AND WOMEN:hexbear-bi::hexbear-bi-2:
Are you informed about Paraguayan permanent residency? Seems like one of the easiest escape hatches (assuming a few things about the hypothetical future situation at hand)
damn I had a feeling they'd change it eventually (one of those assumptions that i mentioned being that they wouldn't)
Inspired by this post I finally made a profile on a dating app. I have it set so that I see both women and NB profiles. Every NB profile is like "cool and interesting person" and most women are like "I love Jesus, love traveling. Proud dog mom to my two furbabies." (I'm sure men's profiles are not great either, but I don't see those). What is wrong with people??? If you have a dog and like it, that's fine but HAVING A DOG IS NOT A PERSONALITY. I am not looking to "go on an adventure" with you and your 'pupper." NB people are absolutely winning.
Ur comparing cis ppl to trans ppl. That's like having Kobe show up to a middle school basketball game.
:geordi-no: your pupper
:geordi-yes: My cat Mr. Softie
I'm getting dogpiled in a Discord because I said "If you use the f-slur, I'm going to assume you're a homophobe"
are the people dogpiling you gay? i assume it's straight people whining
it's definitely more complicated when talking to queer people about it, reclaiming slurs is definitely something i think is valid but you need to be aware that probably most people saying it are homophobic
especially because it's not like there's any word that can describe queerness that hasn't been used as a slur regularly by shitheads
They were completely unsympathetic and dismissive when I talked about constantly hearing the word in a hateful, abusive context growing up.
i don't think it's unrecoverable, but it's definitely much more stigmatized than other slurs. i think the number of historical queer activists who were self proclaimed f-slurs means it's worth thinking about as not quite that black and white
This. The f-word is still actively used in a very harmful manner by bigots while queer has been recovered, maybe some years down the road the f-word will be able to but now? No way.
i do think there's room to have the debate here and now, and i still remember when 'gay' was a catchall for anything negative. it's not like queer became reclaimed while no one was using it harmfully, and i still hear people using it in homophobic and transphobic ways regularly
but i agree that we aren't there yet, at least not outside small queer communities where a lot of trust is built up over time
yeah, obviously there's a big difference between asking people not to use a word that's a serious trigger for you and broader musings on the potential reclamation of slurs
I struggled with reconciling hearing it casually with the history I've had with that word. Being around variety of queer friends and listening to their perspectives helped me be at peace with hearing it reclaimed (though it's not one I personally want to use)
just learned that Obama took Jeremiah Wright's famous sermon called "audacity to hope" about being materially hopeless but still relying on God, and then campaigning on the "audacity of hope," making it a literal money maker for him
People aren't kidding when they say that Obama is the greatest villain of the 21st century.
Had bad intrusive thoughts today that made me want to cry. I seem to get them when I'm tired and stressed out and today is one of those days.
Thank you. I just have to remind myself that's not who I am and things I'd never do, basically ground myself.
Been going through it for the last month teetering on the edge of being functional myself. I can empathize and believe you that those thoughts aren't you
Me when i put off doing schoolwork: :party-sicko:
Me when im failing: :doomjak:
You when you pull it off at the very end: :meow-fiesta:
Are communists my type? Because all five of my exes were openly communist. No I did not know before dating them. Gym bro, goth girl, skater boy, femboy, and femboy 2: all commies. I'm in college but damn I thought we were like 1% of the population.
Reddit should start their own country
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
The Reddit island project shoulda bought le epic resisterino Snake Island to own le russians
Mandatory dakimakura of :my-hero: for every citizen and an ape jpeg in the blockchain bank.
Going full boomer with my tropical paradise calendar I have in my laundry room looking at the pictures of the beaches with flamingos on them and going "wish I was there!" :grillman:
omg bathrooms in the future are gender neutral this is literally unrealistic and breaks my immersion based on life in the real world gasp
especially funny since in a spaceship you would think space is quite limited right? No way rockets today have two different bathrooms
Missing the old days before every game was also a work of political propaganda. Remember Metal Gear Solid 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Armored Core, and Deus Ex? I think it's safe to say that zero thoughts about the real world entered my head when I was playing THOSE games!
Famously apolitical Deadspace with its hamfisted commentary on religions turning people into mindless killing machines.
Hate dealing with the consequences of my own choices, especially when I knew they were fucking dumb when I made them.
I started eating a ton of sweets about a month ago because I felt I wasn't gaining weight fast enough and have a bad appetite, and now I've started to crave sweets all the time.